

É por estas e por outras que vou ser emigrante por uns tempos, tenho esperança que quando voltar isto esteja num melhor caminho.

"GDP per capita in Luxembourg, expressed in terms of purchasing power standards (PPS), was more than twice the EU average in 2005, while Ireland was about 40% above the average. The Netherlands, Austria, Denmark, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Sweden were between approximately 15% and 25% above the average. Finland, Germany and France recorded figures about 10% above the EU average, while Italy and Spain were around the average. Cyprus was about 10% below the EU average, while Greece and Slovenia were around 20% below. The Czech Republic, Portugal and Malta were around 30% below the EU25 average, while Hungary, Estonia and Slovakia were about 40% below. Lithuania, Poland and Latvia were around half of the EU25 average.."

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