

'Eight new workplace roles have been identified by Honey Langcaster-James, the business psychologist: the Mother Hen, who is nurturing, warm and approachable; the Joker, who is sociable, carefree and witty; the Dude, who is unfazed, calming and relaxed; the Cheerleader, who is enthusiastic, optimistic and motivating; the Realist, who is down-to-earth, pragmatic and logical; the Link, who is sociable, flighty and connected; the Geek, who is technically minded, fastidious and quiet; and the Innovator, who is creative, idealistic and resourceful.

The research, based on 1,316 British workers, suggested that 26 per cent of us are motivated by Cheerleaders and 15 per cent are demotivated by Jokers. Ms Langcaster-James said: “It’s the Realist, the person who is very black and white, straight down the line and comes armed with a sarcastic and dry sense of humour who is really coming to the fore in this tough economic climate.” "

From The Times

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